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Chakra translates to “disk” or “wheel” in Sanskrit. These wheels represent a free flow of positive energy in our bodies. Symbolizing the energy centers of our body and their ability to transform our entire functioning, these chakras, wheels, or disks associate themselves with specific nerve bundles and organs.

The term Chakra had first appeared within the Hindu Vedas. They were not understood as psychic energy centers but as chakravartin or the king who “turns the wheel of his empire” in all directions through their first appearance. Meant as a compliment for a king, which was representative of his influence and power, the origin of the word can be traced back to five important symbols of yajna. These five important symbols were “square, circle, triangle, half-moon, and dumpling.”

This methodology associated with the tradition of Hinduism was developed extensively through a belief called Shaktism. This was said to be a crucial concept along with those of yantras, mandalas, and kundalini yoga. In its practice, the idea of Chakra in Shakta tantrism meant a circle or an “energy center” present within a person. It can also be referred to in the context of a group ritual called the chakra-puja (worship within a circle), which involves the tantra practice and its believers.

This Chakra based system is said to have been developed from an ancient group of meditative exercises that are now known as yoga. The earliest traditions, especially those produced in the 1st millennium AD, have described Nadi and Chakra in the bodily context. To these traditions, these chakras have existed in the same plane as some psyche-mind reality which is accurate but invisible to the plane eye. The breath and life energy are said to flow through these chakras only. The definition of life energy has existed in a spectrum of meanings, ranging from basic inhalation-exhalation to far more perplexing ideas of association with breath-mind-emotions-sexual energy.

This prana, or the essence of one’s body, is what vanishes when a person dies. The health of one’s chakras is said to be related to an individual’s body-mind health and their connection with the people around them. In fact, according to some Indian theories and new age speculations, this subtle network of chakras is also intimately related to the emotions of a person and the handling of these emotions.

For a person to work at their maximum capacity, these wheels of spinning energy need to be in their best shape and form. If chakras are open and balanced, they will allow a person to utilize their potential in the best way possible. Similarly, it is mentioned that if someone’s chakras are blocked, they will experience physical and emotional discomfort.

Seven primary chakras in the body mainly run along our spine. These seven chakras represent the seven main energy centers of the body. Starting from the root, or base, of the spine, these chakras extend to the crown of the head. The idea of unblocking a chakra stems from the fact that all chakras are inherently open and balanced. These open chakras allow positive energy to run through our bodies freely.

Even one blocked Chakra can pose a significant problem. For harmony to exist between the physical body, mind, and spirit, the seven main chakras should be in our favor. Thus, the understanding of these primary chakras is very crucial for an individual.

The seven main chakras in our body are as follows –

Root Chakra or Muladhara

The Muladhara or the Root Chakra is the chakra present at the base of our spine. Symbolic of the foundation of our body’s energies, this chakra is meant to give a feeling of being grounded. Whenever this chakra is open and balanced, a sense of confidence is translated into the body and mind. This chakra allows us to withstand life’s challenges and stand independently. However, when this chakra is blocked, it translates into a sense of being threatened in this world. The sense of balance in our body is taken away as a consequence.

Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana

Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is the chakra meant to symbolize a relation between our emotions and the emotions of others. A governor of creativity and sexual energy, if this chakra is blocked, it can lead to losing control of one’s life.

Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

This chakra speaks to the ability to be confident in life. Representing the control of life, this chakra is the one responsible for butterflies in the stomach. If this chakra is blocked, it will lead to a feeling of overwhelming shame and self-doubt. Open this chakra for a free expression of the true self.

Heart Chakra or Anahata

This chakra acts as the connection between the lower chakras and the upper ones. A bridge between materiality and spirituality, this chakra, as the name suggests, can influence the capacity to give or receive love. One who has this chakra blocked may experience difficulty opening their hearts to people around. This chakra’s opening can mean deep compassion and empathy.

Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

The throat chakra is known for giving voice to the heart chakra. It controls the capacity to express one’s inner power. If functioning at total capacity, this chakra can mean maximum clear and accurate expression. However, if blocked, this same chakra can make one feel at a loss for words, thus minimizing their capacity to say how they feel.

Third-Eye Chakra or Ajna

The third-eye chakra allows seeing the big picture and connecting with one’s innate intuition. Briefly put, this chakra is the eye of the soul. It capacitates the knowledge of all information beyond the surface level. People with an open third eye chakra experience Visions and intuitive hits quite commonly.

Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is present at the crown of the head. It represents the ability to be wholly connected to the spiritual part of one’s existence. If opened to its maximum capacity, this chakra can lead one to a plane of extremely rare higher consciousness.


Chakra translates to “disk” or “wheel” in Sanskrit. These wheels represent a free flow of positive energy in our bodies. Symbolizing the energy centers of our body and their ability to transform our entire functioning, these chakras, wheels, or disks associate themselves with specific nerve bundles and organs.

The term Chakra had first appeared within the Hindu Vedas. They were not understood as psychic energy centers but as chakravartin or the king who “turns the wheel of his empire” in all directions through their first appearance. Meant as a compliment for a king, which was representative of his influence and power, the origin of the word can be traced back to five important symbols of yajna. These five important symbols were “square, circle, triangle, half-moon, and dumpling.”

This methodology associated with the tradition of Hinduism was developed extensively through a belief called Shaktism. This was said to be a crucial concept along with those of yantras, mandalas, and kundalini yoga. In its practice, the idea of Chakra in Shakta tantrism meant a circle or an “energy center” present within a person. It can also be referred to in the context of a group ritual called the chakra-puja (worship within a circle), which involves the tantra practice and its believers.

This Chakra based system is said to have been developed from an ancient group of meditative exercises that are now known as yoga. The earliest traditions, especially those produced in the 1st millennium AD, have described Nadi and Chakra in the bodily context. To these traditions, these chakras have existed in the same plane as some psyche-mind reality which is accurate but invisible to the plane eye. The breath and life energy are said to flow through these chakras only. The definition of life energy has existed in a spectrum of meanings, ranging from basic inhalation-exhalation to far more perplexing ideas of association with breath-mind-emotions-sexual energy.

This prana, or the essence of one’s body, is what vanishes when a person dies. The health of one’s chakras is said to be related to an individual’s body-mind health and their connection with the people around them. In fact, according to some Indian theories and new age speculations, this subtle network of chakras is also intimately related to the emotions of a person and the handling of these emotions.

For a person to work at their maximum capacity, these wheels of spinning energy need to be in their best shape and form. If chakras are open and balanced, they will allow a person to utilize their potential in the best way possible. Similarly, it is mentioned that if someone’s chakras are blocked, they will experience physical and emotional discomfort.

Seven primary chakras in the body mainly run along our spine. These seven chakras represent the seven main energy centers of the body. Starting from the root, or base, of the spine, these chakras extend to the crown of the head. The idea of unblocking a chakra stems from the fact that all chakras are inherently open and balanced. These open chakras allow positive energy to run through our bodies freely.

Even one blocked Chakra can pose a significant problem. For harmony to exist between the physical body, mind, and spirit, the seven main chakras should be in our favor. Thus, the understanding of these primary chakras is very crucial for an individual.

The seven main chakras in our body are as follows –

  1. Root Chakra or Muladhara

The Muladhara or the Root Chakra is the chakra present at the base of our spine. Symbolic of the foundation of our body’s energies, this chakra is meant to give a feeling of being grounded. Whenever this chakra is open and balanced, a sense of confidence is translated into the body and mind. This chakra allows us to withstand life’s challenges and stand independently. However, when this chakra is blocked, it translates into a sense of being threatened in this world. The sense of balance in our body is taken away as a consequence.

  1. Sacral Chakra or Swadhisthana

Swadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is the chakra meant to symbolize a relation between our emotions and the emotions of others. A governor of creativity and sexual energy, if this chakra is blocked, it can lead to losing control of one’s life.

  1. Solar Plexus Chakra or Manipura

This chakra speaks to the ability to be confident in life. Representing the control of life, this chakra is the one responsible for butterflies in the stomach. If this chakra is blocked, it will lead to a feeling of overwhelming shame and self-doubt. Open this chakra for a free expression of the true self.

  1. Heart Chakra or Anahata

This chakra acts as the connection between the lower chakras and the upper ones. A bridge between materiality and spirituality, this chakra, as the name suggests, can influence the capacity to give or receive love. One who has this chakra blocked may experience difficulty opening their hearts to people around. This chakra’s opening can mean deep compassion and empathy.

  1. Throat Chakra or Vishuddha

The throat chakra is known for giving voice to the heart chakra. It controls the capacity to express one’s inner power. If functioning at total capacity, this chakra can mean maximum clear and accurate expression. However, if blocked, this same chakra can make one feel at a loss for words, thus minimizing their capacity to say how they feel.

  1. Third-Eye Chakra or Ajna

The third-eye chakra allows seeing the big picture and connecting with one’s innate intuition. Briefly put, this chakra is the eye of the soul. It capacitates the knowledge of all information beyond the surface level. People with an open third eye chakra experience Visions and intuitive hits quite commonly.

  1. Crown Chakra or Sahasrara

The Crown Chakra or Sahasrara is present at the crown of the head. It represents the ability to be wholly connected to the spiritual part of one’s existence. If opened to its maximum capacity, this chakra can lead one to a plane of extremely rare higher consciousness.

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