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Spirituality’s meaning has expanded over the past couple of decades. Conventionally, Spirituality denoted a religious process of evolution and reformation. This process aims to recover the original shape of a man and the image of God. This goal was exemplified by both the founders and the literature of the world’s religion.

This term was first used within early Christianity. The term symbolized a life oriented towards the Holy Spirit. Later, the meaning was broadened to include mental aspects of life in the Late Middle Ages. Additionally, this term refers to the spread of other religious conventions in the modern era. It denotes a broader range of experience, consisting of esoteric traditions and spiritual practices.

Modern usage of the term implies an individual’s subjective experience in a sacred dimension. It also elaborates on “deepest values and meanings by which people live,” which are contextually different from organized religious institutions. This theory might constitute belief in a supernatural dimension that is beyond the material world. Ultimately, personal growth is the goal. An individual aims at this sacred goal for his religious experience or a chance at an encounter with their ‘inner dimension.’

Spirituality In Judaism

Spirituality in Judaism consists of exercises and practices such as Jewish prayers, Jewish meditation, Jewish practices, Shabbat, and holiday observance. Some other practices may include Torah Study, Dietary laws, and Teshuvah, among others. Kabbalah, which means ‘receiving,’ is an esoteric method, School of thought, and discipline in Judaism.

Kabbalah was meant to teach the relationship between an eternal, unchanging, and mysterious Ein Sof (no end) and the finite, mortal universe. Multiple interpretations of Kabbalistic Spirituality are present in Hasidic Judaism. This form of Judaism was founded in eighteenth-century Eastern Europe by an Orthodox rabbi Baal Shem Tov. Hasidism elaborates on the divine presence and is known for focusing on enthusiasm, emotion, and the figure of Tzadik.

Additionally, The Musar Movement is a Jewish spiritual movement known for focusing on developing attributes such as faith, empathy, love, and humility. Israel Salanter founded this movement in the nineteenth century, and Alan Morinis and Ira F. Stone then developed it in the twenty-first century. The new changes in this movement encouraged practices such as Jewish meditation, tzedakah, teshuvah, and the study of musar (ethical) literature.

Spirituality In Christianity

Spirituality in Christianity is primarily focused on the spiritual practice of living out of one’s personal faith. The acceptance of one’s faith usually precedes this step. Even though Catholics are expected to pray together at Mass, different kinds of Spirituality and private prayers have also developed over the course of the past centuries.

Every Catholic church should have its religious order that lays its unique Spirituality. This order allows different ways of approaching God through prayer.

Christian mysticism is known for developing mystical theories and practices in Christianity. This practice has also been associated with mystical theology in the Eastern Orthodox and Catholic conventions. The attributes of Christian mysticism range from elaborate ecstatic visions of the soul’s union with God to some simple contemplations of Holy scripture’s prayer.

Progressive Christianity is another contemporary movement that aims to remove supernatural claims of faith and replace them with a post-critical comprehension of biblical Spirituality. This biblical Spirituality is based on historical and scientific evidence and research. Progressive Christianity is known to focus on an individual’s experience of Spirituality over canonical claims. It accepts that faith is as much a human construction as accurate. Spiritual experiences are psychologically helpful.

Spirituality In Buddhism

Spirituality in Buddhism consists of practices such as Bhavana, which means ‘development’ or “cultivation.” It is an integral concept in Buddhist practices because it appeals in association with another word to form a phrase like Citta-Bhavana (the development or cultivation of the heart/mind) or metta-Bhavana (the development/cultivation of loving-kindness).

Used in isolation, this term symbolizes spiritual cultivation in an individual. Various Buddhist Paths to liberation have progressed over the years. The most popularly known path is Noble Eightfold Path. There are also other paths, such as the Bodhisattva Path and Lamrim.

Spirituality In Sikhism

In Sikhism, spiritual life and secular life are considered to be intertwined with each other. In Sikh knowledge, the temporal world is part of an Infinite Reality, so it partakes in its characteristics. Guru Nanak described living as an “active, creative, and practical life” of “truthfulness, fidelity, self-control, and purity” as a comparatively higher state of being than a purely contemplative life.

Spirituality In Jainism

Jainism, also known as the Jain Dharma, is an essential ancient Indian religion. The three main foundations of Jainism are — ahiṃsā (non-violence), aparigraha (non-attachment), and anekāntavāda (non-absolutism). Believers of Jainism take five main vows: asteya (not stealing), brahmacharya (sexual continence), ahiṃsā (non-violence), Satya (truth), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).

According to the spiritual practices in Jainism, the function of the soul is to help one another. Jainism’s spiritual ideas and history can be traced to a succession of twenty-four leaders or Tirthankaras. The twenty-fourth and the most important of which is Mahavira. Jainism is considered eternal dharma that relies on these leaders guiding an individual during any particular cycle of cosmology.

Spirituality In Hinduism

The idea of Spirituality in Hinduism is not restrictive in its sense or means. Hinduism is not associated with a traditional ecclesiastical order, nor is it attached to any centralized religious authorities.

Additionally, in the understanding of Hinduism, there is no governing body, no prophet(s), nor any binding holy book. Unlike the religions mentioned until now, Hinduism allows its followers to be polytheistic, pantheistic, monistic, or atheistic.

Hindu philosophy defines Spirituality as an individual experience and a personal practice. People partake in a diffuse and open structure of Spirituality through Hinduism, referred to as ksaitrajña. Within Hinduism, an individual’s spiritual practice is defined as their journey towards Moksha or liberation. This idea of Moksha is associated with the awareness of the self and the discovery of higher truths. Along with this, one also understands the true nature of reality and a consciousness that is liberated and content through this state of Moksha. The meaning of spirituality has changed over time, and different meanings can be found next to each other. “Spirituality” used to be an umbrella term for a religious process that aims to “restore the original shape of man.” This process is based on “the image of God,” which is shown by the founders and sacred texts of the world’s different religions. The term was first used in early Christianity to refer to a life that was focused on the Holy Spirit. It was later used to refer to the mental aspects of life in the Late Middle Ages. There are many different types of esoteric traditions and religious traditions that are called “esoteric” today. There are modern ways of saying this: They refer to people’s subjective experiences of sacred things and the values and meanings that they live by, often in a setting that isn’t religious at all. This could be because of a belief in a supernatural world that isn’t visible to the naked eye, personal growth, a search for an ultimate or sacred meaning, religious experience, or an encounter with one’s “inner dimension,” among other things.

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