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Nathaniel Angel

Nathanael, a biblical given name, is derived from Hebrew meaning “God/El has granted” or “Gift to God/El”. Nathaniel, a variant of this name, is still the most popular spelling for a given name. There are also Nathanel, Netanel, and Nathanial variants.

This name is used by several figures in the Bible. The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) shares the name with a chieftain (or prince) of the Tribe Issachar (Numbers 7, 18-23 in the Naso parsha), and a brother to King David (1 Chronicles 2, 14). [3] Nathanael, an apostle or disciple mentioned in the Gospels of John (1:45 and 21:2) is found in the New Testament.

Elnathan, the related name, could be translated as “Gift Of El” (Hebrew God). The Hebrew Bible mentions four Elnathans: one in 2 Kings 24.8, and three in Ezra 8.15-20.

Archangel Nathaniel has been called the angel Of Fire', Angel of Energy', Angel of Purification' and ‘Angel of Divinity’. He works with the Heart Chakra to open and expand. Archangel Nathaniel is resonant with the element of fire and its energies. These energies include purification, transformation and transcendence, prosperity and protection. Archangel Nathaniel transmits the Divine energy of fire into our world, where it is used to transform and burn away our separation feelings.

Nathaniel encourages people to keep a strong belief in our dreams and aspirations so that he can help make them a reality. Nathaniel’s fiery energy awakens passions and drives us to achieve our goals. Archangel Nathaniel can help in igniting passion and energy, and fan the fire within to make it shine. Nathaniel is a catalyst for people to recognize their true power.

Archangel Nathaniel, the patron saint for lightworkers is a helper to keep us grounded when we meditate and use spiritual connection and communication. Nathaniel is a balancer, harmony, and trust-maker who can help you connect to the angelic, spiritual, and higher realms. Nathaniel encourages lightworkers and other lightworkers to take the initiative and use their gifts, talents and abilities to spread love and light to the world and fulfill their soul mission and life purpose.

Archangel Nathaniel urges us to get rid of clutter and waste and to let go of items that don’t serve us well. Sometimes, change comes about through closures and endings. Nathaniel urges us to let go of the past and show love and gratitude for its services, and embrace new opportunities and experiences. Nathaniel can help you clear any obstacles or people that are preventing you from fulfilling your soul purpose. Nathaniel can be invoked to remove people or situations from your life and make way for better relationships and circumstances. Nathaniel can remove someone or something from your life if he knows it isn’t in your higher path. We can see the benefits that these changes bring to our lives with hindsight.

22 Angel Number

Angel Number 444

7777 Angel Number

5555 Angel Number

3333 Angel Number

Angel Number 666

Angel Number 777

222 Angel number love

Angel Number 888

Angel Number 0

Angel Number 7

Angel Number 5

Angel Number 2222

Angel Number 88

Angel Number 6

222 twin flame

6666 Angel Number

Angel Number 555

Angel number 1

Angel Number 55

Angel Number 33

Angel number 999

8888 Angel Number

Angel Number 111

Angel Number 333

Angel Number 66

Angel Number 11

Angel Number 77

Angel Number 44

555 Spiritually

Angel Number 8

Angel Number 2

Angel Number 9

Angel Number 222

4444 Angel Number

Angel Number 3

Angel Number 99

Angel Number 4

Angel Number 2222
Angel Number 7
Angel Number 222
Angel Number 55
Angel Number 888
Angel Number 0
7777 Angel Number
Angel Number 4
Angel Number 111
Angel Number 66
Angel number 1
Angel Number 9
Angel Number 11
Angel Number 2
Angel Number 77
555 Spiritually
222 Angel number love
Angel Number 99
Angel Number 5
Angel Number 333
Angel Number 444
Angel Number 88
22 Angel Number
Angel Number 3
4444 Angel Number
8888 Angel Number
Angel number 999
Angel Number 8
5555 Angel Number
6666 Angel Number
Angel Number 777
222 twin flame
Angel Number 44
3333 Angel Number
Angel Number 666
Angel Number 555
Angel Number 33
Angel Number 6