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Twin Flame

What is a twin flame?

A twin flame is an ardent soul connection with a person thought to be one person’s other half, occasionally anointed a “mirror soul.” It’s established on the belief that sometimes one soul gets divided into two bodies. One of the primary characteristics of a twin flame relationship is that it will be challenging and curing.

This is because of the mirroring nature of a twin flame; they offer a person their most profound insecurities, fears, and shadows. But they also help their other half overpower them and vice versa. Twin Flames are equally affected by each other.

A twin flame is a fragment of a person’s soul. One can picture their soul as a different incarnation from another soul in spiritual terms. This kind of relationship brings oneness or wholeness to the two halves.

Twin souls are fundamentally alike and similar. A twin flame operates almost like a spiritual mirror, reflecting strengths and weaknesses, struggles, or past traumas. It helps both halves awaken the suppressed sides of their personality. The connection promotes raw, honest, and vulnerable association.

There’s a clear feeling of turbulence and life having been turned upside down by meeting a person with a twin flame. The entrance of one twin flame into another twin flame’s life is a big event that changes the path of both halves.

Notably, each person is still whole on their own. However, there is a misbelief among people that a twin flame satisfies their other half and it is far from being the ideal scenario. Relationships are meant to encourage people to be more complete in their own right, and it is what being a twin flame represents; conditional love, support, and encouragement to be a better person.

History of Twin Flames

The term “twin flame” was coined by Elizabeth Clare Prophet, a supervisor of the Summit Lighthouse and the New Age religion understood as The Church Universal and Triumphant. Prophet is possibly best understood for calling on her supporters to train for nuclear Armageddon in the late 1980s.

The Prophet coined the phrase “twin flame” in the 1970s. In 1999, Prophet printed the book “Soul Mates and Twin Flames: The Spiritual Dimension of Love and Relationships.” Yet the concept of twin flames is much older than that.

In the fifth century B.C., Plato noted in his philosophical textbook “Symposium” that the Greek god Zeus disempowered humans by dividing us into male and female halves.

While some pupils say Plato’s scripts define soulmates, many people use this as background for twin flames.

What is the purpose of a twin flame?

At its heart, the twin flame connection is about spiritual growth, and its objective is to awaken another soul. The pursuit of finding a twin flame is to speed up a person’s evolution, escape wounds, release blockages, and lead the person towards self-love. Moreover, these relationships can be exceptionally challenging because they blaze a light on insecurities and plunging fears for spiritual growth to occur, which can be challenging to face.

Twin flame experiences offer a mirror. The things people don’t want to deal with, distrust, and inadequacy one sees in themself come up through their existence. While twin flame affinities are stormy, they should not be mistaken for toxic connections. Fears are heightened and activated in the presence of a twin flame.

Twin flame relationships aren’t invariably romantic. Twin flame relationships are readily found between platonic friends, and mentor/mentee twin flames are not unusual. The mind likes to create this romantic story, where everything works efficiently, but twin flame relationships are complex by design. This relationship is built to experiment and expand understanding of a person’s energy.

Twin flames vs Other Relationships

Twin flame relationships are distinct from others because they are uniquely special. Since a twin flame is a piece of a soul repositioned across two physical forms, it varies from other connections because it’s a connection and expedition that cannot be communicated with anyone else on Earth. There’s only one twin flame.

While soul mates can be excellent romantic partners, that relationship doesn’t advance to the heights of a twin flame. Each soul has its tune. Soul mates sing a tune nearer to its other half than anyone else. Regardless, a twin flame is precisely like your personality. Twin souls hold the same tune in their hearts.

What are the markers of a twin flame?

Most new relationships bring their own set of extreme sentiments. Transparency and level-headedness are not standard descriptors. Here are eight characteristic markers of twin flames-

Instant attraction and recognition

There’s an instantaneous feeling of recognition and sincere attraction when someone meets their twin flame. A bond is congealed in a moment, and all the pieces of a person’s life seem to come together.


Twin flames constantly have a feeling of synchronicity. As the relationship develops, twin flames will find that they have a shared moral compass and related interests. Furthermore, twin flames often encounter many co-occurrence and similar past incidents.

Intense Feelings

When someone meets their twin flame, they will find that their emotions are amplified. Both good and horrible, everything you feel will feel significantly more powerful and even overwhelming.

Intensified insecurities and doubts

Twin flames are mirrors, and their objective is to offer you the items that are keeping you back, like your worries and insecurities, so that one can work through them, develop, and come out more assertive on the other side.

Feeling drawn to another person

Twin flame relationships are magnetic. People feel inexplicably attracted to the other person from the juncture they meet. This feeling never seems to weaken, either. It’s a continuous overwhelming force, and while the interest can be sexual, it’s more often just the yearning to be in that person’s company.

Feeling drawn to another person

Twin flame relationships are magnetic. People feel inexplicably attracted to the other person from the juncture they meet. This feeling never seems to weaken, either. It’s a continuous overwhelming force, and while the interest can be sexual, it’s more often just the yearning to be in that person’s company.

Twin Flame In Numerology

Number Seven

Four Noble Truths

Spiritual Evolution

Etheric body
Number Four